Vocabulary Building | Earthquake

Vocabulary Building | Earthquake

Learn the words immense, desolation, converge, diverge, creep and five more words in the context of our vocabulary building episode about earthquakes. Build your vocabulary and take your English to the next level with English Plus Podcast.

Word Power | Fossils Trapped in Tar

Word Power | Fossils Trapped in Tar

Learn about the fossils trapped in tar in Rancho La Brea and learn ten new words in the context of this word power story with interactive exercises and an exclusive PDF practice worksheet for my patrons. The word for this episode are congestion, encompass, congeal, immerse, demise, pervade, excavate, fervid, confute, and probe.

Word Power | The Statue of Liberty’s Roots

Word Power | The Statue of Liberty’s Roots

Learn about the Statue of Liberty’s Roots and, in the context of this story, learn the meaning of ten new words with interactive exercises and an exclusive PDF downloadable worksheet for my patrons. The words for today are prominent, originate, execute, classic, personify, proportion, implore, refurbish, restoration, and vermilion.


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Go Back to the Drawing Board

Go Back to the Drawing Board

Today’s episode unpacks the idiom “go back to the drawing board.” We’ll explore how this phrase encourages us to start over, learn from our mistakes, and approach challenges with renewed creativity and determination.

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