Shocking Events That Made History | Episode 07

Shocking Events That Made History | Episode 07

Introduction In this final episode of our series Shocking Events That Made History, we will talk about shocking events related to leaders and losers, and shocking events that happened in wars, although it's safe to say that any war is shocking enough to make it on our...

Shocking Events That Made History | Episode 5

Shocking Events That Made History | Episode 5

Welcome to a new episode of our series Shocking Events That Made History. Belief systems have been with us since the start of civilization—and for just as long religion has been a source of immeasurable joy and challenges. Corrupt leaders, blind persecution—the stories are as old as history and affect people around the world, from all walks of life. And yet through the cycles of fear, destruction, and imbalance, faith prevails in whatever form it takes. In today’s episode, we will focus on shocking events that have to do with religion.

Shocking Events That Made History | Episode 4

Shocking Events That Made History | Episode 4

Welcome to Shocking Events That Made History series. This is your host Danny and this is episode 3 from the series, in which we will talk about cultural breakdowns. Art, entertainment, sports; these forms of expression are among humanity’s greatest prides, and yet none of it comes easily: Artists are blasted for their work, Journalists’ integrity scrutinized, athletes under pressure to perform. Values are repeatedly tested. But the following spectacles — from a tanked Broadway show to racy portraiture to an epic baseball scandal — also remind thinkers, creators, and performers that, sometimes, disaster is just part of the process.


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Breaking Stalemates, Fences, and the Roots of Violence

Breaking Stalemates, Fences, and the Roots of Violence

Explore the power of words like stalemate, public pressure, advocate for peace, and fight-or-flight in everyday life. Join host Danny on the English Plus Podcast as he dives into how breaking deadlocks, making decisions, and confronting violence shape our world—and our personal lives. Unlock the full episode and more exclusive content by becoming a premium subscriber today!

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