Poetry | Pyramid

Poetry | Pyramid

How is the world classified today? Has it changed since ancient history or is it still the same, and more importantly who is to blame. Enjoy my poem, Pyramid, from my poetry collection, The War Edition in this episode of Poetry from English Plus Podcast.

Poetry | Bombardment

Poetry | Bombardment

What can be the thinking of an officer ordered to drop a bomb on a place teeming with civilians and life, but that’s an order. Bombardment is the poem I chose for today’s Poetry episode.

Poetry | War Against Everybody

Poetry | War Against Everybody

Have you ever waged any kind of war and you were too angry to question why you have waged this war and against whom? Today’s poem is War Against Everybody from Chaos poetry collection by Danny Ballan.

Poetry | Curly

Poetry | Curly

Poets are dreamers, idiots who believe in their own worlds and can sharpen their imagination to reach unbelievable depths, but they pretty much live there on their own. Curly is a new poem by Danny from English Plus Podcast.

Poetry | To A Stranger

Poetry | To A Stranger

To all strangers who are reading or listening to this poem, I salute you. Without you, I could have never called myself a writer. I dedicate this poem to you.

Poetry | Life in a Cubicle

Poetry | Life in a Cubicle

What does life in a cubicle feel like? Have you ever worked in a cubicle? Do you know what it feels like? A lot of people know what I am talking about, and this poem is dedicated to them.

Poetry | To Err Is Man

Poetry | To Err Is Man

Unless you want to love a saint, you know that I am a man. My mistakes are the ones that built me. My mistakes are who I am. I am not proud of any, but neither am I ashamed. I owe it to myself to love who I am and strive to be the best, but accept that I may never be. Take me for I am for I cannot be another man.

Poetry | Unfinished Love

Poetry | Unfinished Love

When you seek satisfaction, remember you are not the only one. Everyone else wants that, too. Men are like women, they both need love and affection, but when one is satisfied, the other may be not.


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