Did Shakespeare Invent 1,700 Words? Exploring His Linguistic Legacy

by | Apr 16, 2024 | Flash Facts

Shakespeare: Wordsmith Extraordinaire

William Shakespeare is celebrated for his timeless plays and captivating sonnets. But did you know he also had a profound impact on the very language he wrote in? It’s estimated that Shakespeare introduced over 1,700 words to the English language, many of which remain in common use today.

How Did Shakespeare Create New Words?

The Bard’s linguistic creativity wasn’t just about inventing words from scratch. He employed several clever techniques:

  • Changing Word Types: Shakespeare transformed nouns into verbs (“champion”), or adjectives into nouns (“lonely”).
  • Adding Prefixes and Suffixes: He modified existing words (“unreal,” “bedazzled”).
  • Compounding: He combined existing words to form new ones (“eyeball,” “downstairs”).
  • Borrowing from Other Languages: Shakespeare incorporated words from French, Latin, and other languages into his work.

Words We Owe to Shakespeare

Here are just a few of the many words and phrases we still use, thanks to Shakespeare:

  • Lonely
  • Swagger
  • Hurry
  • Worthless
  • Fashionable
  • Gloomy
  • Addiction
  • Critic

Beyond New Words

Shakespeare’s contribution to English wasn’t limited to single words. He also popularized countless phrases that are now deeply ingrained in the language:

  • “All’s well that ends well”
  • “Break the ice”
  • “A wild goose chase”
  • “In a pickle”
  • “Neither here nor there”

Why Did Shakespeare Need New Words?

  • Expressing Complex Ideas: His plays explored complex emotions and themes, requiring language to express new concepts.
  • Poetic Meter: Shakespeare wrote in iambic pentameter. Creating new words helped him maintain this rhythm.
  • The Audience: English was rapidly evolving in Shakespeare’s time – he was both responding to and shaping that change.

Shakespeare’s Lasting Impact

Shakespeare’s plays were wildly popular, exposing ordinary people to his linguistic innovations. These new words and phrases quickly entered everyday speech. His linguistic inventiveness demonstrates the power of literature to shape and enrich the language we use.


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