Beliefs are an integral part of the human experience, shaping our perceptions of the world and influencing our behaviors. Some beliefs are rooted in fact and supported by evidence, while others are based on superstitions, urban legends, or conspiracy theories. On this episode of English Plus Podcast, we delve deep into the topic of beliefs, exploring the different types of beliefs and the role they play in our lives. From the power of positive thinking to the dangers of groupthink, we discuss the many ways in which our beliefs shape our worldviews and impact our decision-making. So join us for a thought-provoking conversation as we examine the fascinating world of beliefs and the -isms that often arise from them.
Discussions | Let’s Talk about Appearance
Join us in this new Let’s Talk Topics episode where we will be discussing appearance. We will talk about first impressions, the effect appearance have on us, plastic surgery, school uniforms, dress codes and more.
Discussions | Let’s Talk about Global Problems
In this episode of Let’s Talk Topics, we will focus on global problems. We will talk about poverty, climate change, inequality, political conflict and the spread of infections diseases.
Discussions | Jobs
Improve your speaking with a new Discussions episode about jobs from English Plus Podcast. We will compare jobs, talk about dirty jobs and honest at work among other topics we will discuss in the episode.
Discussion | Kindness
Learn about kindness and how to talk about different aspects of kindness in this new Discussion episode from English Plus Podcast. We will discuss kindness between neighbors, altruism, Mother Theresa, and the Red Cross.
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