Have you ever cracked a joke and immediately realized it sounded more mean than funny? That’s what we call a deride disaster! But what does deride actually mean? Let’s dive into it.
To deride is to mock or ridicule someone, often with a touch of sarcasm. It’s not the playful teasing you might share with friends—it’s the sharper, less charming version. Think of the snarky co-worker who rolls their eyes when someone suggests an idea in a meeting. They’re deriding.
Here’s an example: Imagine someone trying their best at karaoke and completely butchering “Bohemian Rhapsody.” Do you laugh with them or at them? The latter? Congrats, you’ve just derided their Freddie Mercury dreams. Ouch.
But let’s flip it. When was the last time someone derided you? Maybe for a bold fashion choice or an opinion that didn’t quite land. Feels great, right? Spoiler alert—it doesn’t.
So, the next time you’re tempted to unleash your inner snark monster, pause. Channel that energy into something constructive—or at least funny without being cruel. Because while derision might get a laugh, kindness leaves a lasting impression.