The Odyssey  | EP 1 | A Great Grandfather, A Mercenary Grandson

Focus: Vocabulary
Quiz time: 5 minutes
If you say that you will leave no ______ unturned, you are emphasizing that you will try every way you can think of in order to achieve what you want.

If a storm is ______ing, large clouds are beginning to form and the sky is becoming dark because there is going to be a storm.

A ______ is the money that has to be paid to someone so that they will set free a person they have kidnapped.

If you ______ in, you admit that you are defeated or that you cannot do something.

A ______ is a habit or aspect of a person's character which is odd or unusual.

If you ______ somewhere, you hide or move around quietly because you do not want to be seen.

A ______ is a soldier who is paid to fight by a country or group that they do not belong to.

If you ______ about something, you worry about it.

If a person or thing is ______ed by something, that thing is situated all around them.

To put in a good ______ for someone means to speak favorably of them or comment them.

If you say that someone is out of their ______, you mean that they are mad or very foolish.

If you do something for someone to ______ them over, you help them through a period when they are having difficulties, especially by lending them money.

If you say that someone is made a ______ for something bad that has happened, you mean that people blame them and may punish them for it although it may not be their fault.

If you ______ out of something, you have no more of it left.

To ______ someone in on something means to provide someone with additional facts, details, etc.

A ______ is money that is offered as a reward for doing something, especially for finding or killing a particular person.

To ______ means to complain or speak in a way which shows that you are very unhappy.

A person's ______ is their ancestors over many generations, and the characteristics they are believed to have inherited from these ancestors.

When something ______s an activity, it causes great changes in the way that it is done.

The ______ of a ship or plane is the goods that it is carrying.

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