Mafia  | EP 1 | An Offer You Can't Refuse

Focus: Vocabulary
Quiz time: 5 minutes
A ______ is a person who is paid to hurt or threaten people.

The ______ is used in expressions such as walking down the ______ to refer to the activity of getting married.

Someone who is ______ behaves in a way that is morally wrong, especially by doing dishonest or illegal things in return for money or power.

If you ______ off someone who is following you, you manage to get away from them, for example by running faster than them.

A ______ is an offer or a suggestion that someone makes to you, usually concerning some work or business that you might be able to do together.

Some people say like ______ to emphasize that they strongly disagree with you or are strongly opposed to what you say.

If a group of factory workers, nurses, or other people work ______s, they work for a set period before being replaced by another group, so that there is always a group working. Each of these set periods is called a ______. You can also use ______ to refer to a group of workers who work together on a particular ______.

A cold ______ is a police inquiry that has been suspended with the crime still unsolved.

Someone's Achilles ______ is the weakest point in their character or nature, where it is easiest for other people to attack or criticize them.

Short for it ______ or that ______, and either means that it makes sense

If you ______ out with someone, you have an argument and stop being friendly with them. You can also say that two people ______ out.

This makes us ______ means this makes us even.

If you ______ somewhere, you remain there or walk up and down without any real purpose.

Someone's ______ is the area which is most familiar to them or where they feel most confident.

If you say that someone is looking over their ______, you mean that they feel anxious all the time about what someone may do to them.

I didn’t ______ this coming means I didn’t expect this would happen.

If a vehicle or other moving thing ______s or if you ______ it, it suddenly changes direction, often in order to avoid hitting something.

If you come away from somewhere ______, you have failed to get what you wanted.

Right out of the ______ means at or from the very beginning

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