
You may know what you belong to or who you belong to, but do you really want to belong. I don’t. Listen to I Belong from The Scream poetry collection by Danny Ballan.

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I Belong

I have searched the world I had access to for a religion, a group, a cult to share a god, or if nothing else to share a meal or a moment without being scrutinized and eaten inside out by naked eyes sizing up my belief and compare it to their own with only one size to fit. Unfortunately, being a man myself, I do change a lot as does my size, feelings and thoughts. The only eternal thing I have is the quest to seek and find whatever I want to seek and find. No strings attached, no shackles, no one oasis to drink from and be full, forever. As thirsty as I am, I kept sleeping a man and waking up another man until one day I may never wake up. The same face in the mirror bothers me so much that I have to step away from my thoughts each time and shave them like my beard and believe whatever I may believe that day, each day a new man I do not belong in a box you set your heart on once, but lock and throw away the key. If I do not keep outgrowing myself every day, how am I alive, so you do understand me when I say I belong, or I do not belong.

I Belong

I belong to no country
you may war against
and tomorrow’s place
I find, for my head,
under your military boots,
and the roaring thunder
of your steel and fire
shaking my ground.

I belong to no race
when a color mistake
can take your reason away,
and all your eyes can see
is but a shade of who I am;
pull a trigger and kill
a hue of soul I share with you
You’ll never see through
you are color blind

I belong to no religion
whose choice of god
conflict with yours—
convince me
you think you must
and you might
with a bullet in my head
or a blade
tearing my neck apart—
what does it take to live in your world?
worship you or your god.

I belong to no man
no country
no race
no religion;
I belong to you
I will never kill you
but if you do
watch out for the rusty blade you thrust
not too deep and I will always be
a thorn in your side but
deep enough will end up in your heart
you also do belong to me.

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